Saturday, January 18, 2014

OBS & Homeostasis

During Outward Bound Singapore (OBS), think about how the body performs the following:
1. Water regulation (Osmoregulation)
2. Temperature regulation (Thermoregulation)
3. Glucose regulation
Submit a short write-up about one of the three questions

Chosen question: 2
Answer (based on prior knowledge):
When our body heats up (under the sun), our sweat glands produce sweat to cool down our body. The perspiration will quickly evaporate, thus giving us a cool feeling.
When our body feels cold, we will shiver. By shivering, there will be friction formed between our body muscles and tissues, hence giving us more warmth. We will also have goosebumps and our hair will rise, giving us a temporary additional layer of heat, which gives us a bit of warmth. 

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