Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fluid Mosaic Model

Hydrophilic = Hydro (Water) + Philic (Loving)
-  Molecules that are not very soluble in water, such as lipids and some proteins found in biological membrane, are termed hydrophobic

-  Lipids with phosphate group that are hydrophilic while hydrocarbon chains are hydrophobic
-  When phospholipid molecules come into contact with water, they tend to line up polar heads in water and hydrocarbon tails away from water

Fluid Mosaic Model
Fluid- a bilayer that allows both phospholipids and proteins to move about laterally
Mosaic- collage of proteins randomly distributed in the bilayer
Model- a hypothesis proposal supported by evidence

Additional research from the Internet about the Fluid Mosaic Model:
  • Describes the plasma membrane of animal cells
  • Plasma membrane that surrounds these cells has 2 layers (bilayer), of phospholipids (fats with phosphorous attached)
  • Each phospholipid molecule has a head attracted to water and a tail that repels water. Both layers of the membrane have the hydrophilic heads pointing toward the outside; the hydrophobic tails form the inside of the bilayer
  • Plasma membrane forms a circle around each cell so that the water-loving heads are in contact with the fluid, and the water-fearing tails are protected on the inside
    • Because cells reside in a watery solution (extracellular fluid), and they contain a watery solution inside of them
  • Proteins and substances (e.g. cholesterol) are embedded in the bilayer, which gives the membrane the look of a mosaic
  • Why is the plasma membrane described as the fluid-mosaic model?
    • Because the membrane has the consistency of vegetable oil at body temperature, the proteins and other substances are able to move across it
  • Molecules that are embedded in the plasma membrane serve a purpose:
    •   Cholesterol makes the membrane more stable and prevents it from solidifying when the body temperature is low (Keeps you from freezing)
    •   Carbohydrate chains attach to the outer surface of the plasma membrane on each cell. The carbohydrates supply characteristics such as blood type

Fluid goes through transverse diffusion (flip-flop) or lateral diffusion (frequent)

Cell membrane (mosaic) Structure and Composition
  1. Proteins
    • Interspersed randomly among phospholipids
    • 2 main types
      • Peripheral / Extrinsic proteins
        • Loosely attached at charged surface / hydrophilic part of phospholipid bilayer
      • Integral / Intrinsic proteins
        • Either partially penetrating the phospholipid bilayer or span the membrane entirely
        • Proteins partially embedded in phospholipid bilayer:
          • Contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions to interact with charged heads and hydrocarbon tails of phospholipid bilayer respectively
  2. Glycoproteins (Also a type of protein but slightly different)
    • Interspersed among phospholipids
    • Consists of carbohydrate chains bound to peripheral proteins and hydrophilic regions of integral proteins that occur on surface of outer membrane
    • Carbohydrate chains involved in recognition of same cell type or adhesion of cells to neighboring cells for immune response
  3. Glycolipids
    • Interspersed among phospholipids
    • Consists of carbohydrate chains bound to polar head of phospholipid (Might not necessarily be phospholipid, most of them is just lipid without the phosphate)
    • Involved in recognition of same cell type or cell signaling pathways

Question: Why do you not feel pain?
Answer: You will feel pain from your nerve cells, so as long as you do not touch your nerve cells, it will be okay. (An area you hardly feel pain: Elbow:))

Question: Why does seafood have a lot of cholesterol?
Answer: This is because of the cold temperature. Cholesterol helps you adapt to a cold environment, and prevents the membrane from becoming frozen.

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