Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cell Membrane (2)

Functions of Cell Membrane
  1. To compartmentalize the cell as seen in different organelles. Different metabolic processes require different enzymes and conditions. Compartmentalization provides optimum conditions for the reaction to occur without interference from other enzymes and factors. It also prevents the autolysis of cells, e.g. Enzymes of pancreatic juice are found in vesicles prior to their secretion (Auto – self, Lysis – breakdown = Breakdown by itself)
  2. Increases surface area for exchange of substances. E.g. Microvilli of intestinal cells making up the villi
  3.  Cell recognition. Membranes contain certain protein / glycoprotein / glycolipids molecules which act as identity markers. E.g. Antigens on red blood cells
  4.  Cell communication. Some proteins / glycolipids / glycoproteins embedded in the membrane act as receptors for hormones and neurotransmitter
  5. Site of chemical reactions. E.g. light reactions of photosynthesis take place on thylakoid membranes found in chloroplasts
  6.  Controls entry and exit of substances. Separates cytoplasm from external environment maintaining constant environment inside cell. Cellular homeostasis. 
      Liver cells perform 500 different functions. A sign that the liver is not working: Yellow skin

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