Monday, January 20, 2014

Homeostasis Homework - 1a Introduction to Homeostasis

Think about homeostasis and its possible benefits it provides to the cells and tissues from this example. 
A and B) Through homeostasis, the bird and the mammal maintains their body temperature above the surrounding, cool temperature. This helps the bird to keep warm and the cells and tissues will be able to continue with their normal functions.

C and D) Through homeostasis, the reptiles and insects, they keep their body temperature as the same as the surrounding temperature. They are able to adapt quickly in situations with different temperatures. Hence, they will not feel too cold or too warm.

Watch a video: Fishes and Frogs Living Out of Water
What are the differences or similarities in the strategies that they have employed?
Fishes (Lungfish) 
Their swim bladder forms a crude lung, allowing them to take in oxygen directly from the air. They escape the heat by burrowing. It swallows a mud to excavate a chamber, passing it out again through the gills. Then it coats itself in mucus. As the mucus dries, it forms an impervious body bag, that seals off the fish from the drought. When conditions worsen, the lungfish shuts down and waits for things to improve. 

Frogs (Desert frog)
It sheds layers of skin that form a waterproof barrier to keep it from drying out. The frog's bladder holds a reservoir of drinking water, containing a good emergency supply for aborigines

Lizards (Thorny Devil)
It can survive on black ants, as they provide all the moisture it needs. It collects water through the capillary action. Its skin sucks up the liquid like blotting paper. A darkening band traces the water across the skin until it reaches the eyes and mouth. A network of channels direct the water to the mouth. 

From what you understand about Homeostasis so far, how do you think these strategies allow for homeostasis to occur?
Homeostasis-> Variables are regulated so the internal conditions remain stable.
For the lungfish, when it is out of water, it forms a crude lung to breathe, and shuts down temporarily when it is buried under soil. Afterwards when there is rain or water, it still has enough water to come back up. During this process, the body will still be in a constant state, because it has enough oxygen. 
For the desert frog and thorny devil, it has measures to stop it from drying up and for drinking water. This will help homeostasis to occur. 

NOTE: Info about the 3 animals was taken from the video

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